Epsilon Omicron Chapter

Theta Chi Fraternity

Waynesburg College


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Coming Soon - 2019 Reunion Information - Stay Tuned



2017 Reunion -  Western PA

HV Reunions Page.JPG (44731 bytes)

Hidden Valley Resort, Hidden Valley, PA

Click Links Above for More Pictures




2015 Reunion

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June 11th - June 14th, 2015  -   Somers Point, NJ  -  Follow this Link





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Waynesburg, PA

June 28th - June 30th, 2013


2013 Reunion Photo Collections

Bill "Little Butz" Jackman's Collection

Don "Chap" Chappel / Ben "Benute" Lyster's Collection

Mike "Peg Leg" Novak's Collection

Ken "Tambo" Bletsch's Videos on YouTube-Steaks

Jody "Thin Head" Moreau's Collection



2013 RIBS Recap by Benute

The brothers of Epsilon Omicron Theta Chi invaded Waynesburg June 28, 29, and 30th and the Burg is still trying to recover!  100 brothers, spouses, and friends of Chi, including 9 "first timers", enjoyed the RIBS, beer, and fellowship reliving the many great memories and laughs of the past 40+ years making this the LARGEST reunion ever. The reunion classes ranged from 1964 to 1979.

 "First Timers" included: Ted Ankeney, "The Incredible Hulk" John Mamula, Ellis Weitzman, "Jeep" Anderson, Mike Novak, Don Thomas, Todd Latshaw, Ian Dahlgard, and Tom Higgins. In addition, Joe Denti, an old TKE friend, Babe Bennett '66, an old Delt friend, and Dave Rohanna, an old Phi Sig friend were in attendance. Some local friends from Waynesburg: JB, Rick Hunnell, Hobbs, "Chap",  and another old Phi Sig buddy, Gary Klinefelter,  also joined us Saturday afternoon.

 Many thanks to "Chap" and Gary Klinefelter for all their help with local planning.

 Brothers brought back yearbooks, photo albums, and composites from the early 1960's and 1970's. Everyone enjoyed going thru the memorabilia and pictures and reminiscing about the "good old days of OX". Several brothers drove to 495 Huffman Street.

 In true "Chi tradition" the brothers had a Friday afternoon keg party in Lions Community Park with about 50 people. The group later moved over to Tommy Boy's, which was once The Triangle, for dinner.

 Saturday morning brothers were treated to a welcome reception and luncheon by the new incoming President of Waynesburg University, Doug Lee. This was followed by a lengthy tour of the campus by Doug Lee and Courtney Dennis, Assistant Director of Alumni Relations. The University has added new buildings and an off campus sports facility since our last gathering in 2009.

 More brothers arrived for the big event on Saturday afternoon with an 8 hour Rib Party with plenty of beer and wine. Doug Lee stopped by for a "meet and greet".Class pictures were taken from 1964 to 1979. Pete Nangeroni took a group picture which will be posted on the OX web-site. Art "Plug" Swartwout told some of the brothers some funny stories about his living in the Denver area while Brother "Bear" was also living there; also some stories about Brother "Beaver".

 Art Swartwout contacted more brothers from 1960 to 1966 who returned to this reunion. I urged Jim Fedorka and Jay Stockman to do the same and bring more brothers from the mid 1970's to keep our reunion family growing.  

Our next reunion will be in Somers Point, NJ in June 2015 and the Alumni Committee will begin plans in early 2014


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Ken Bletsch's Most Amazing Tambo-Tations

 Dear Brothers Et all [sic]

I am working on a BETTER way to post the #$%^&#$%^&*   video I almost made.....

and I apologize for the following awards, to those I forgot, my spelling, my memory,

my extreme and continuing lack of manners/tact/political correctness/bias/male chauvinism/ and hair. 

 May I have the envelopes PLEASE...............

2013 RIB Awards:

 Best Footware-Billy Baer    {1st time contender} 

 Best White Hair: Conroy

 Mystery Guest: Ellis Weitzman 

Oldest Shower-upper: (1965): Ted Ankeney and his lovely bride

 2nd Oldest Shower-upper: Ian Dahlgard (66)

 Still Older than crap Shower-upper: Ed McNally (67)

 Least Recognized: Ellis W.

 Best Hosts: [tie} Benute & Rat 

Best Non-Chi Host: Gary "Phi Sig" Klinefelter 

Worst Food: Tommy Boys    

Longest Trek: Mike & Robin Novack

 Shortest Trip: (tie) Hobs and Pete N.

 Most Ink: BG

 Most Missed Past Italian President: F'ing Arty

 Best Recall: Sue "Keats" (Yes, that breakfast place WAS Myrtles!}

 Most Missed Mode of Transportation: EPGV ("Ever Present Gray Valiant"}

 Most Sadly Continued MIA: Bob and Norma Long

 Best "Up close and personal photo montage": Bill Jackman

 "Where are they now" Award: George Hyfantis

 Most Adventurous Tales of Travel : Dave Rohanna

 Most Adventurous TRUE Tales of Travel : Rat Lewis 

Most Missed Smile & Demeanor: Doug Douer

 Surprise Cameo Guest Appearance by a Past President: H. T. "Higgs" Higgins

 Best 1st  Dropped Off at Waynesburg by Parents Story: BG ("don't embarrass your mother")

 Best Manners: Mike Nichols {always was, always will be }

Most Weight LOST Since Graduation: Ellis

 Best Camera Work: Pete Nangeroni 

Best Collection of Nostalgia: Sue "Keats" Di Stephano    {damn she saves stuff!}

 Best Old Photos of Now REALLY Old farts: Mike Novack    {flashbacks a-plenty!}

 Best OLD Original Sports Ware: Barb Rushack      ("3rd Floor Denny"  Indeed!]

 Longest Phone Call from Afar: Melody Sabo

 Best Missing Recording Secretary that is still Missing: Robert "Duck" Salzman

 Best Deep-down Chuckle: Auggie A.

 Worst Excuse for being a No Show: Arty {an alleged wedding to someone nobody knows)

 Soberest Drinker: Todd Latshaw

 2nd Worst Excuse for being a No Show: Vinny ( no recorded excuse known]

 Best Supposed No Show: Needle

 Best "We all knew It Would Never Last" OX Marriage: Glenn & Jill M.

 Quiet Award: Ron Saul 

Most Weight GAINED Since Graduation: lawyers suggested we kill this one

 2nd Place Quiet Award: Plug (?)

 Best Dressed: None of the above

 Best Certified Liquor Inspector: Harry Stoner

 Best Driver of a Rented Car: EB

 Sorely Missed and Missing Long Lost Pilot Award: REM

Best Old Yellow Jacket Imitation Montage: Jaybo Stockman

 2nd Best Non-Greek Short Trip Award: John Chapman 

Best Total "In the background without graduating" Picture Appearances:  Lonny Howell

Best "Buttering Up" of an incoming Waynesburg president:  Jim Fedorka

 Best Blanket Stains: Art Swartout

 Best Haircut: Ray

 Best Idea to Pres. Lee: Rat { a plaque/memento of Greek Burg heritage} 

 Never Mentioned Award: Frankie Reitz

 Best NEW Hat: Barry Everson

 5th Best hair: Plug

 Caused Most "Line-Up" Flashbacks: John Ullum

 Most Accurate Nickname: Brain

 Best Dressed-As Johnny Cash look-alike (all in black) : Ian Dahlgard

 Least Drunk: Locker

 Oldest Known Living Delt: Babe Bennet

 Most Shocked He Still Had His Own Hair (probably) : Laff

 Best Go-Tee: Dave Hasbrouck (sorry Harry)

 Still Here Award: Rick Hunnell

 3rd Best Alumni T Shirt: Tom Meighan

 Best Laugh: Jo Jo Gerst

 Best In-town Navigator: Jody "Wrong Way" Moreau

 Most Missed Non-Burg Sandwich: Baldinos

 Best Sunglasses: Haste

 Most Family Members As Alumni: Fedorka 

Best Eveningware-Non-Sportsware Shirt at Rohanna's: Locker

 Baldest: 23 way tie

 2nd Best Go-T: Harry Stoner

 Most Missed Eye Doctor: Scott Weaver

 Best Excuse for Non Attendance: Soup ( get well, dude!)

 And there it is..... sorry to those I forgot..................sorry to those I don't know.... sorry to those that think THEY hands down gained the most weight....

sorry I refuse to list things I wasn't privy to....sorry Mike "Censorship" Nichols couldn't review this first.

  Any resemblance to sarcasm and or real people in this work of fiction is flatly denied....see my very first lawyer, BG DiStephano, esq.



Somers Point, NJ

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Secret Handshake?

Link to 2011 Reunion Photos

  June 2nd thru 5th, 2011

The Epsilon Omicron brothers of Theta Chi invaded the Pier IV in Somers Point, NJ

 The following brothers were in attendance:

Bill Baer, Ken Bletsch, Art Dalle Molle, Tom Dalle Molle, Barry Everson, Bob Fisler, Tim Glenn, Byron Gregory,

Dave Hasbrouck, Rick Jones, Denny Lang, Mark Lewis, Ben Lyster, Gene McGrath,

John Monacella, Jody Moreau, Peter Nangeroni, Mike Nichols,

Ray Pearl, Steve Rogers, John Ullom, and Scott Weaver.

The fairer side of the group included:

Sally Everson,  Kathy Ullom, Ellen Mayer, Suzi Nichols, Sandy Pearl, Sandy Glenn, Marge,

Nadine Fisler, Joan Jones, and Jackie Moon who joined us in the fun and festivities.

There were lots of happy memories and Hell Week stories all of which led to great laughter....

The brothers enjoyed terrific seafood at the Crab Trap Restaurant every evening.

Saturday afternoon a group went over to The Clam Bar for an afternoon feast.

Outings to the boardwalk, golf, and gambling rounded out the reunion weekend.

 Saturday afternoon at 5:00 PM there was

a moment of silence in memory of brother Bill Simpson

followed by an open bar hosted by the fraternity in his honor.

 2011 reunion hats were presented to those brothers and spouses in attendance.  



Click Here For Earlier Reunions (2009, 2007, & 1992)


Click Here For 2015 Reunion


Return to Contact List / Main Page

"Lost / Missing" Brothers Page  (1968 - 1973)

Trivia Quiz (1967 - 1972)

Return to Spring, 1968 Photo

Return to Spring, 1970 Photo

Return to Spring, 1969 Photo

  Return to Spring, 1971 Photo


R.I.P.  Mark Lewis, President

Ben Lyster, President  benute@aol.com

John Monacella, Treasurer   jmonacella5522@gmail.com

Bob Salzman, Secretary-Webmaster  robertdavidsalzman@gmail.com

R.I.P.  "Augie" Augustino, Social Chairman

Tom Conroy, Social Chairman  tconroy@howardhanna.com

Steve Rogers, Honorary Social Chairman  steverogers1946@gmail.com

Art Swartwout, University Liaison  awswartwout@me.com
